Thursday, February 22, 2007


Thom: 2 Heroes. (Hero: Inge de Bruijn, Erben Wennemars) {Lay-Out}

Emanuel: 1 Hero and 1 Villain. (Hero: Johan Cruijff. Villain: Volkert v.dG) {Lay-Out}

Sven: 2 Villains. (Villain: Mohammed B, Jan.S) {Lay-Out}

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Hello we are dutch students from Zwolle, we go to ‘van der Capellen S.G.’ a bilingual school. Our names are Thom, Sven and Emanuel. We are a group who will work on this project with you for a few weeks.
We are excited to work with you.

I’m Thom, I like cars and motorcycles. My favourite music is Trance and Dance and also i like Hiphop and R&B . I like to play on the computer. I like smarties and chocolate. I have two dogs: Babouche and Fientje. I’m a very happy person. i;am 15 years old..
I live in Zwolle, Aalanden. It’s a temporary house because I’m gonna move soon. I have 2 sisters a mother and a father. My youngest sisters name is Lucienne and my other sisters name is Nathalie.
I do not like very annoying people.
I like to make jokes.

Hello, I’m Sven. I’m 15 years old. I live with my parents and have one older brother. My brother does not live at home any longer, but he comes around occasionally. I like mechanical things and machines. I’m from Indonesia.
I like to talk with other people.
My favourite game on the pc is Ragnarok Online. I play it three hours a day, when I don’t have any homework. E.g. over the weekend.
This was everything about me. Goodbye.

Hello, I’m Emanuel.
I live in Zwolle. And I like to surf the internet for interesting things.
my favourite idols are Kempi and Nino. We all like .
I like French food like crossaints and rice and I like to travel to exotic places.
My parents are divorced. I love to play soccer and I like to do play street soccer to.
My height is 1 metre 75. I like hip-hop and rap music.
I’m not originally from the Netherlands, I’m an Armenian.

From left, Thom, Emanuel, Julian, Richard

Julian and Richard are from another blog, we are making a picture about us.