Friday, March 23, 2007

Our Sources

Mohammed Bouyeri

Jan S
Een crimineel liegt niet altijd by Peter R de vries


Inge De Bruijn
Erwinn Wennemars


Johan Cruijf

Volkert van de Graaf

Villain: Jan S.

Jan S. (Born in 1954) is a Dutch criminal and murderer. He got sentenced life long in 2000 because he murdered and raped a 7 year old girl named Chanel-Naomi Eleveld in June 1999

S Already had a criminal record and already was in prison once for raping a 15 year old girl in 1996. In the newspapers they called him the monster of Assen. I shall be calling him S from now on

Rape case

In 1996 S Lived with his polish son and wife in Poland at that time, In the Netherlands because of marriage problems. He went looking for some of his old friends but they all refused him. On 17th of May S enters a car after having drunk a lot of alcohol looking for sex. He first tried to get a young girl in his car but that attempt failed. He then went to the Drenste Klazienaveen (A place in a Dutch province) and there he succeeded to get a 15 year old girl in his car; He was asking her for a fire to light his cigarette. She got raped on a parking spot and got dumped in the middle of night on a highroad; He then tried to flee to Poland but got arrested at the border to Poland. In December 1996 he got sentenced for 6 years, He was left out early in 1998 because of good behavior; He then started to live in Assen (A place in the Netherlands)

The murder on Chanel Naomi Eleveld

Chanel-Naomi Eleveld from Asses suddenly Disappeared on june 21 1999. Three weeks later her Neighbor Jan. S got arrest on the train station of Zwolle. He tried to flee after the disappearance of the girl. And was sleeping in several hotels before he got arrested. He was a supect because he already got sentenced once . The day after S got arrested they found the corpse of the girl in a small crawling space in S his house.

Chanel Naomi Was raped several times and was locked up in a closet in the night before the murder. In the morning of 22 juli S. Strangeled the girl till she was death. Several weeks before the murder his wife and son left the house because at the end of june he brutally raped his wife nwhile his son was watching. So she left the house with her son in fear of S. While he was fleeing for the police he also brutally raped a whore he picked up at a station shortly before

On 11 february 2000 he got sentenced Life long

Hero: Inge de Bruijn

Inge de Bruijn.

Inge de bruijn is a great swimmer of the Netherlands.
She is born on august 24 in 1973 and she lives in Barendrecht.
She was successful on the Olympic Games in 2000. there she won 3 golden medallions.
De Bruijn was also called Sport women of the year.
She didn’t have enough motivation to go on with the Olpympic Games in Atlanta.

As 27 years old girl disclose De Bruijn her self as Olpympic Games on the 50 and 100 meter.
In 2000 De Bruijn settled 11 world records a unique serie.
De Bruijn is one of the greatfullest swimsters in the swimhistorie.
Between its first international start at the European championships in Rome 1987 and its unprecedented successes at the Olympic game no less than thirteen years lie and also that is unique. Much have to they to its coaches thank Paul mounts from the United States and Jacco Verhaeren, the man who prepared her and accompanied on and during the large tournaments as from 1998, up to and including 2001.
If young little girl loved Inge the Bruijn especially ' playing ' in water. But win want they also and that did they as a 10 person whose birthday it is at the Speedofinales in Leiden in 1983 in the end fight of the 100 meters vlinderslag at the little girls of 10 years improved they its a time with no less than nine seconds and triumphed in 1.22.
On the first battle she came on the eighth place in 1.13.5th three years, free on the 100 meters, later became they in 1986, for the first time Dutch winter champion in 1973 in emmen.
meanwhile Inge the Bruijn have stopped with swim, she sad ’My carrière is finished, better is not possible’
and later for the European game in end courts a farewell party has still been.
Inge have had become a large commitment for kika (kinderen kankervrij) since kika member have asked have been Inge very geintereseerd in the new results for cancer-free children

Villain: Volkert van der Graaf

Volkert van der Graaf is the son of a Biology teacher and an English mother.
Volkert’s father (the Biology teacher) died when Volkert was 17 years old.
Volkert was smart when he young. He studied environment hygiene at the Wageningen University.
In 1992 he made the Verenigde Milieu offensief (VMO & Translation in English: United Environment Offensive).
VMO was mostly involved with juridical processes against people/company’s who destroyed the nature and illegal animal molesters. Volkert van der Graaf

But Volkert van der Graaf did have a sort of dark side.
He was angry in some sort of way so he killed Pim Fortuyn politician on mei 6th in 2002.

The police arrested Volkert and later on his girlfriend because they thought she also had something to do with it. They searched Volkert’s house and found all kinds of chemicals in his garage. He could make explosives with al that material.

During the process in March, 2003 Volkert admitted he killed Fortuyn. He said that Fortuyn was a danger for the people, especially Muslims and people he get money from the government.

One of the evidence against Volkert was a phone call that was taped by the police in January, 2002. He said: ‘He (Fortuyn) must die.’ After he heard he was taped he said: ‘Orally dead of course.’

The process began after a while. It lasted 3 days on the bench. The officer of justice Koos Plooy demanded a jail sentence for the rest of his life but specialist said that it was too much because he had no police record and it was his first assassination.
They court convicted him to 18 years in prison.
Then they worked on his psychiatric rapport. One of the important things they looked at was the brutal way he killed Pim Fortuyn.
The jury was shocked about that especially.

Volkert wanted fewer years in prison so he went in front of the court again. But it didn’t work. He got 18 years more to his jail sentence.

This was a short biography of Volkert van der Graaf.

Vilian: Mohamed Bouyari

His life
Bouyeri was born of one of the first generation immigrants who spoke very bad Dutch. They did not have very much contact with Dutch people. His parents were immigrants from Morocco. He has both Dutch and English nationalities. He finished his havo education in 1995. He then studied at the Hogeschool In Holland te Diemen. He switched several times from studies
But he left the school after 5 years with no diploma . At that time he was known at the police for being a troublemaker
He also did volunteer work for his Neighbourhood organisation
He also started to follow the Islam more strictly, He refused to go to meetings were women also went to and he also refused to serve alcohol. His mother died in 2001 to long cancer
He became a full radical Muslim in 2003 when his father remarried and the war in Iraq started
He started to grow a beard and started to wear a djellaba. He often visited the Tawheedmoskee and came in contact with other radical Muslims like Samir Azzouz and members of the hofstadgroep. There were several meetings in Bouyeris house with the hofstadgroup, The AIVD (The Dutch FBI) Started to record the conversations
And said Mohammed Bouyeri was no real threat

About the murder
It happened on Tuesday 2 November 2004,911 days after the murder of pim fortuyn (However there’s no link between them) the twin towers also went down on 9/11, He was riding by the stadsdeelkantoor Oost/Watergraafsmeer in the Linnaeusstraat in Amsterdam in the morning when another biker took him other fire
Van Gogh was hit by 7 bullets and then got stabbed by 2 knives, Van Gogh died on the spot
There was a letter on one of the knives to the politician Aryan Hirsh Ali, A few minutes later after a gunfight with the police(There were three wounded ,a police agent ,a bystander and the suspect)) the suspect got arrested his name was Mohammed Bouyeri (Arabic: محمد بويري)
He was 26 years old at that time; He was also a member of a terrorist organization named the hofstadgroep on 28 December 2006 the organization was added to the European list of terrorist organizations

Mohammed B.

Theo van gogh

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hero: Erben Wennemars

Egbert Rolf Wennemars
Egbert Rolf Wennemars was born on november 1 in 1975. He is from the netherlands.
He is specialist in the 1500 meter sprint.
Egbert Rolf Wennemars is a very good skater, one of the best in The Netherlands.
Erben currently lives in Zwolle (overijsel) with his wife Renate van de Zalm
Since october 2002 Erben and Renate had a son, his name is Joep. On the 24th may
of 2003 they got married
Erben is started with skating, when he was a little boy, he went with his father to the local skatingarea in Dalfsen, near by Zwolle. His father was fancing-master of that skatearea. But he was inspired by the great skater Evert van Benthum.
Now he belong to the best skaters of The Netherlands. In short time he reach the skatertop.
He was not only familair becouse of his big hits, also by his fall on The Olympic games in Nagano at 1998.
He was skating, but the Norwegian Njö rs was fallen down and he hit Wennemars.
His shoulder was out of his socket. After this the prestations of Wennemars reach, he become a better skater.
From now on he want to skate for another years and than according to his plans he want to study for being a pilot.

this was Wennemars with his WK medal on the 1500 meter.

This was when Wennemars fell down by the hit of Njörs


In December 2005 qualified Wennemars during the Netherlands championship distance in Heereveen himself on the 500, 1000, 1500, for the Olympic winter games in 2006.on all 3 distances he got the second place, behind Jan Bos (another skater). One week later he didn’t manage to advance to the WK Sprints in the NK, so he couldn’t win the title.
On January 19th he pronounced that he’d broke all contacts with his couch Jac Orie because of trusting problems. In preparation on the Olympic winter games in Turijn trained Wennemars in the TVM-team with Gerard Kemkers.


Beginning 2007 won Wennemars for 3e the time the NK sprint in groningen. In the last 1000 meters Wennemars its large rival Jan bunch with a new track record (1.10.40) covered and got in with that the end victory. he sad that this was one of the most sensational races.He won final in 2006/2007 during the World cup both the eindklassement on 1000m (for 4e the time) and also on 1500m. on 1500m the improved he also its Dutch record up to 1.43.24

Hero: Johan Cruijff

Johan Cruijff was a big footballer who played in the Dutch team. He was well known in Holland. He started playing football as a little boy.
One of the scouts of Ajax (the team of Amsterdam.) saw that he played very good. Ajax watched his matches and they signed him for the team Ajax.

When Johan Cruijff went of school ‘met de bijbel’ in 1959 his father had a hart attack. The father of Johan Cruijff died at home in the presence of his son Henry Cruijff. The father of Johan was 44 when he died.

Johan Cruijff played his first match with the Dutch team in 1966, 9 February.
They played against the Racing Strassburg. They won with 7-0. Cruijff scores 3 goals.

Cruijff gets married in 1968 with the daughter of Cor Coster, Danny Coster.

The Dutch club Ajax gets in the final of the Europe Cup in 1969. It’s the first time that a Dutch team gets in the final of that tournament. They had to play against AC Milan. But AC Milan was to strong for the Ajax team and they lost against AC Milan with 4-1.

On 16 November in 1970 a baby is born, it’s named Chantal and the father is Johan Cruijff. Cruijff had a match against another team but he refused to play to be at the birth of his daughter.

In the same year the Dutch team gives Cruijff the opportunity to be captain, they played against Scotland, they won with 2-1. He stayed captain for 33 matches with the Dutch team.

In 1973 Johan Cruijff leaves Ajax and signs in for the Spain team Barcelona.

Johan Cruijff in Barcelona shirt

After there second daughter, Johan Cruijff and his wife have a son named Jordi.

Cruijff plays his last match with the Dutch team in 1977. Many people try to change his mind but unsuccessful. He plays his last Match with the Dutch team against Belgium, they win with 1-0.

In 1978 Cruijff quits playing with soccer, he quits with Barcelona after one match with Ajax. They win with 3-1.
Cruijff played one match, his official Goodbye-Game with Ajax against Bayern Munchen. Bayern won with 8-0.

But one year later Cruijff returns to play soccer, he had signed with the New York soccer team in America, only they didn’t want him anymore so he signed a contract with the Aztecs in Los Angeles. He played so well that the mayor gave him a diploma of honour to Cruijff.

In 1980 Cruijff the Los Angeles Aztecs transfer Cruijff to the Washington Diplomats. After one season America names him the best American player of the year.

Johan Cruijff returned to Ajax. But the KNVB didn’t want American players to play in the Dutch clubs. But Cruijff did train along. At one game Cruijff walked from the stages to the field and stood next to the Coach. Ajax won 5-3.

Cruijff goes back to play with the Dutch team. The Coach of the Dutch team convinced him to come back.

Ajax goes back to the Washington Diplomats. He plays there 5 matches and then he quits playing at an American teams.

Cruijff again leaves Ajax to play with Feyenoord, also a Dutch club.
When Ajax and Feyenoord have a match against each other, it’s a tough game. But Ajax one with 8-2.

The last game for him was Feyenoord against FC Zwolle. Right before the game the referee blows his flute and gives Cruijff a symbolic red card.
Feyenoord won with 2-1.

That was Cruijff in his carrier where he PLAYED soccer. Now we’re going to look at his carrier of the field.

After Cruijff quitted, Feyenoord wanted him to be their Technical Director but he got signed at Ajax.

Cruijff quits Ajax and becomes trainer of FC Barcelona in 1988.

Cruijff made a deal with Barcelona that his son Jordi could play.
His first match against Racing Santader they won. Jordi scored a goal after 8 minutes.

Cruijff quits training Barcelona.

In 1998 the Cruijff University opens. It’s a University in Barcelona where the best sportsman can come and join. Its study mixed with sports. The university turned out to go well so they build more universities in many locations.

In 1999 Cruijff is chosen to be the best soccer player of Europe in the century.

One last game with the best players of Ajax in 1999. All the best players were there.
The match was played and the scores were 2-2.

In 2000 Cruijff breaks all his contacts with Ajax.
He quitted because Ajax ignored all his ideas.
He advised other men to take his job but Ajax ignored that to. It was very disappointing.

Johan Cruijff Welfare Foundation

The Johan Cruijff Foundation is made for the well being of people who are in to sports. It’s physically good and it’s mentally good. The Johan Cruijff Foundation also organises stuff for the mentally and physically handicapped.

The Foundation doesn’t only do sports and games but also project that involves teamwork and other things that also involve in sports.

The Johan Cruijff Foundation worked together with Terre de Hommes to do something in the poor countries. They both have the same ideas. Make sports a big deal there.

This was Johan Cruijffs life. I hoped you enjoyed it!

Thursday, February 22, 2007


Thom: 2 Heroes. (Hero: Inge de Bruijn, Erben Wennemars) {Lay-Out}

Emanuel: 1 Hero and 1 Villain. (Hero: Johan Cruijff. Villain: Volkert v.dG) {Lay-Out}

Sven: 2 Villains. (Villain: Mohammed B, Jan.S) {Lay-Out}

Tuesday, February 20, 2007


Hello we are dutch students from Zwolle, we go to ‘van der Capellen S.G.’ a bilingual school. Our names are Thom, Sven and Emanuel. We are a group who will work on this project with you for a few weeks.
We are excited to work with you.

I’m Thom, I like cars and motorcycles. My favourite music is Trance and Dance and also i like Hiphop and R&B . I like to play on the computer. I like smarties and chocolate. I have two dogs: Babouche and Fientje. I’m a very happy person. i;am 15 years old..
I live in Zwolle, Aalanden. It’s a temporary house because I’m gonna move soon. I have 2 sisters a mother and a father. My youngest sisters name is Lucienne and my other sisters name is Nathalie.
I do not like very annoying people.
I like to make jokes.

Hello, I’m Sven. I’m 15 years old. I live with my parents and have one older brother. My brother does not live at home any longer, but he comes around occasionally. I like mechanical things and machines. I’m from Indonesia.
I like to talk with other people.
My favourite game on the pc is Ragnarok Online. I play it three hours a day, when I don’t have any homework. E.g. over the weekend.
This was everything about me. Goodbye.

Hello, I’m Emanuel.
I live in Zwolle. And I like to surf the internet for interesting things.
my favourite idols are Kempi and Nino. We all like .
I like French food like crossaints and rice and I like to travel to exotic places.
My parents are divorced. I love to play soccer and I like to do play street soccer to.
My height is 1 metre 75. I like hip-hop and rap music.
I’m not originally from the Netherlands, I’m an Armenian.

From left, Thom, Emanuel, Julian, Richard

Julian and Richard are from another blog, we are making a picture about us.