Friday, March 23, 2007

Villain: Jan S.

Jan S. (Born in 1954) is a Dutch criminal and murderer. He got sentenced life long in 2000 because he murdered and raped a 7 year old girl named Chanel-Naomi Eleveld in June 1999

S Already had a criminal record and already was in prison once for raping a 15 year old girl in 1996. In the newspapers they called him the monster of Assen. I shall be calling him S from now on

Rape case

In 1996 S Lived with his polish son and wife in Poland at that time, In the Netherlands because of marriage problems. He went looking for some of his old friends but they all refused him. On 17th of May S enters a car after having drunk a lot of alcohol looking for sex. He first tried to get a young girl in his car but that attempt failed. He then went to the Drenste Klazienaveen (A place in a Dutch province) and there he succeeded to get a 15 year old girl in his car; He was asking her for a fire to light his cigarette. She got raped on a parking spot and got dumped in the middle of night on a highroad; He then tried to flee to Poland but got arrested at the border to Poland. In December 1996 he got sentenced for 6 years, He was left out early in 1998 because of good behavior; He then started to live in Assen (A place in the Netherlands)

The murder on Chanel Naomi Eleveld

Chanel-Naomi Eleveld from Asses suddenly Disappeared on june 21 1999. Three weeks later her Neighbor Jan. S got arrest on the train station of Zwolle. He tried to flee after the disappearance of the girl. And was sleeping in several hotels before he got arrested. He was a supect because he already got sentenced once . The day after S got arrested they found the corpse of the girl in a small crawling space in S his house.

Chanel Naomi Was raped several times and was locked up in a closet in the night before the murder. In the morning of 22 juli S. Strangeled the girl till she was death. Several weeks before the murder his wife and son left the house because at the end of june he brutally raped his wife nwhile his son was watching. So she left the house with her son in fear of S. While he was fleeing for the police he also brutally raped a whore he picked up at a station shortly before

On 11 february 2000 he got sentenced Life long

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