Friday, March 23, 2007

Vilian: Mohamed Bouyari

His life
Bouyeri was born of one of the first generation immigrants who spoke very bad Dutch. They did not have very much contact with Dutch people. His parents were immigrants from Morocco. He has both Dutch and English nationalities. He finished his havo education in 1995. He then studied at the Hogeschool In Holland te Diemen. He switched several times from studies
But he left the school after 5 years with no diploma . At that time he was known at the police for being a troublemaker
He also did volunteer work for his Neighbourhood organisation
He also started to follow the Islam more strictly, He refused to go to meetings were women also went to and he also refused to serve alcohol. His mother died in 2001 to long cancer
He became a full radical Muslim in 2003 when his father remarried and the war in Iraq started
He started to grow a beard and started to wear a djellaba. He often visited the Tawheedmoskee and came in contact with other radical Muslims like Samir Azzouz and members of the hofstadgroep. There were several meetings in Bouyeris house with the hofstadgroup, The AIVD (The Dutch FBI) Started to record the conversations
And said Mohammed Bouyeri was no real threat

About the murder
It happened on Tuesday 2 November 2004,911 days after the murder of pim fortuyn (However there’s no link between them) the twin towers also went down on 9/11, He was riding by the stadsdeelkantoor Oost/Watergraafsmeer in the Linnaeusstraat in Amsterdam in the morning when another biker took him other fire
Van Gogh was hit by 7 bullets and then got stabbed by 2 knives, Van Gogh died on the spot
There was a letter on one of the knives to the politician Aryan Hirsh Ali, A few minutes later after a gunfight with the police(There were three wounded ,a police agent ,a bystander and the suspect)) the suspect got arrested his name was Mohammed Bouyeri (Arabic: محمد بويري)
He was 26 years old at that time; He was also a member of a terrorist organization named the hofstadgroep on 28 December 2006 the organization was added to the European list of terrorist organizations

Mohammed B.

Theo van gogh

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