Friday, March 23, 2007

Villain: Volkert van der Graaf

Volkert van der Graaf is the son of a Biology teacher and an English mother.
Volkert’s father (the Biology teacher) died when Volkert was 17 years old.
Volkert was smart when he young. He studied environment hygiene at the Wageningen University.
In 1992 he made the Verenigde Milieu offensief (VMO & Translation in English: United Environment Offensive).
VMO was mostly involved with juridical processes against people/company’s who destroyed the nature and illegal animal molesters. Volkert van der Graaf

But Volkert van der Graaf did have a sort of dark side.
He was angry in some sort of way so he killed Pim Fortuyn politician on mei 6th in 2002.

The police arrested Volkert and later on his girlfriend because they thought she also had something to do with it. They searched Volkert’s house and found all kinds of chemicals in his garage. He could make explosives with al that material.

During the process in March, 2003 Volkert admitted he killed Fortuyn. He said that Fortuyn was a danger for the people, especially Muslims and people he get money from the government.

One of the evidence against Volkert was a phone call that was taped by the police in January, 2002. He said: ‘He (Fortuyn) must die.’ After he heard he was taped he said: ‘Orally dead of course.’

The process began after a while. It lasted 3 days on the bench. The officer of justice Koos Plooy demanded a jail sentence for the rest of his life but specialist said that it was too much because he had no police record and it was his first assassination.
They court convicted him to 18 years in prison.
Then they worked on his psychiatric rapport. One of the important things they looked at was the brutal way he killed Pim Fortuyn.
The jury was shocked about that especially.

Volkert wanted fewer years in prison so he went in front of the court again. But it didn’t work. He got 18 years more to his jail sentence.

This was a short biography of Volkert van der Graaf.

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